Beautiful Coffee Life 03

Lifestyle interview project 3rd!
We asked people we met around town who lead wonderful coffee lives about how they enjoy coffee!
This time, it's Abigail Smith.

Editor: Hello, could you tell me your name?

Abigail: Yes, hello. My name is Abigail Smith. thank you.

Editorial Department: Thank you! It's like a fashion model. Aren't you a model?

Abigail: Thank you. Actually, she used to be a fashion model, but she has now moved on to a different job and is very active.

Editorial Department: I thought it was very beautiful.

Abigail: Thank you. I personally believe that the secret to beauty is living a healthy lifestyle and being true to yourself.

Editorial Department: Does coffee also play a role in Abigail's health secret?

Abigail: Well, coffee is also an important health secret for me. I drink coffee every day to replenish my energy and improve my concentration. I also believe that coffee has a positive effect on my skin and health as it is rich in antioxidants. However, I am careful not to drink too much. I enjoy coffee in a healthy way while keeping the right amount.

Editorial Department: As expected. How did you fall in love with coffee? You mentioned that you used to live in Seattle, but does that have anything to do with it?

Abigail: I first started liking coffee when a friend recommended it to me when I was in college. At the time, I wasn't very familiar with the taste of coffee, but once I tried it, I was captivated by its bitter taste and aroma. When I studied abroad in Seattle, a coffee mecca, there were many coffee shops, and I was able to find the coffee I liked, which may be one of the reasons I became a coffee lover. On top of that, the coffee culture in Seattle is very rich and I could feel the passion for coffee. I think the time I spent in such an environment led to my love of coffee.

Editorial Department: I see. The experience of studying abroad in Seattle seems to be quite significant. Abigail, how do you enjoy coffee?

Abigail: I like enjoying the taste and aroma of coffee. I am especially interested in coffees made from different types of beans and roasted degrees, and I often sample them. I also sometimes buy beans at a coffee shop and grind them myself. The process of brewing coffee is fun, and I feel that the coffee I brew myself has a special taste. I also like to have a drink to refresh myself before work. I'm always looking for the best way to drink for myself.

Editorial Department: You are very particular about it. Do you know the app called CROWD ROASTER ?

Abigail: Yes, I know about CROWD ROASTER . I've heard that it's a collection of information about coffee roasting, and it's very helpful in finding the coffee beans that are right for you. It seems like there are a lot of people here who are passionate about coffee. I myself would like to use it to learn more about coffee.

Editorial Department: Actually, with this app, you can request a roast from your favorite roaster.

Abigail: That's very interesting! It can be difficult to find coffee beans that are roasted to suit your needs, so I think it's convenient to be able to request a roaster yourself. And being able to get your own original coffee is great news for coffee lovers.

Editorial Department: Thank you. And, actually, this interview is scheduled to be published in the media that can be viewed on the CROWD ROSTER app (lol)

Abigail: That's right! This is very Hikaru Sakae. I hope that through the wonderful app called CROWD ROASTER , you will find more information about coffee and encounters with roasters. thank you very much.

Editorial Department: Thank you very much.

Abigail: You're welcome.

Abigail Smith's profile
Abigail Smith is a 30-year-old woman who used to be a fashion model, but has now moved on to other jobs. She values ​​healthy living and believes that being true to yourself is the secret to beauty. He also loves coffee, and is especially interested in coffees made from different types of beans and roasted degrees, so he often samples them. I also enjoy the coffee culture of grinding and brewing your own beans.

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