Relationship between country of origin and production processing Sequel [Coffee Fanatic Hitomi 's Deep Coffee World Part 3]

Hello! Coffee Fanatic Hitomi ! !
In the last part, we explained Colombia Mild and Other Mild in the country classification of coffee, but we would like to continue to talk about Brazilian Natural and Robusta!

Coffee producing country classification (Producing Countries' Agreement)

Brazilian Natural Arabicas
Brazil, Ethiopia, Paraguay

Colombia Mild Arabicas
Colombia, Kenya, Tanzania
Ryo Mikami

Ryo Mikami

After graduating from university, due to certain circumstances, he worked at Starbucks and encountered the potential of coffee. After many twists and turns, he joined a trading company specializing in specialty coffee. He opened his eyes to the Fanatic path and has been involved in a wide range of work from commodities to specialty products, including market price analysis, production site visits, product fair reviews, competition coaching, extraction, roasting, and equipment proposals. CROWD ROASTER advisor.