What should you be careful about when extracting Raw Sugar Yuya Kosakada ? [SCAJ2023 event review]

SCAJ 2023 (SCAJ World Specialty Coffee Conference and Exhibition 2023), an annual specialty coffee festival, was held from September 27th to 29th.

At CROWD ROASTER booth, under the theme of "Gathering of Artisans," we invited all kinds of coffee professionals from the industry, including roasters, baristas, mechanics, importers, and producers, to hold various special shows and deliver special content that could only be seen and heard here.
Please check out the special page below to find out everything about the CROWD ROASTER booth.
There will also be an archived broadcast, so be sure to check it out if you missed any of the events!

Talk and extraction show with Raw Sugar's Kosakada , in which he spoke passionately about his thoughts

The event, which started at 11am on the first day, the 27th, has proven extremely popular! We invited Yuya Kosakada a roaster from Raw Sugar Roast , a specialty coffee shop in Setagaya, Tokyo, who is also a participant in CROWD ROASTER , to participate in a talk session and to extract CROWD ROASTER brand coffee that he roasted himself.
The talk was titled "The Sweet and Smart Yuya Kosakada and the Secrets of RawSugar, Changing the Coffee Industry," and Kosakada spoke about roasting and the future of the specialty coffee industry.
In light of the current situation where specialty coffee has yet to catch on among the general public, Kosakada spoke to us about his pursuit of what can be done through roasting and flavor development, and his hidden passion for changing the industry as a barista, roaster, and teacher.
For example, how can we convey the appeal of specialty coffee to the many people who still don't like the acidity of coffee?
Also, as a teacher, what kind of classes do you teach at Manabu School?
I heard a variety of stories.
In the second half of the session, Kosakada taught us about flavor development and recipes while brewing the coffee.
He says that he often gets inspiration for his flavors from wine and other alcoholic beverages.
Also, when extracting and making coffee, I make sure to stay consistent.
Kosakada , who owns several pieces of the same outfit, says she tries to keep her environment as consistent as possible.
We are also asking for the recipe for this extraction.
We also hear stories that you don't usually get to hear, such as why we stir with a spoon and what color we are aiming for.
You can watch Kosakada 's talk and excerpts in the archived broadcast below, so please take a look!
Various talk events were held at CROWD ROASTER booth at SCAJ 2023.
I will introduce some of the contents later.
looking forward to!