What is the new Panamanian variety “Lupao” that has arrived in Japan for the first time?

The Panama Coffee Roasting Competition 2023 (PCRC 2023) is Japan's first roasting competition using only high-quality Panamanian coffee, held from July to September 2023.

CROWD ROASTER was involved in the tournament as a sponsor and official media, and the awards ceremony where the winners were announced was held at CROWD ROASTER booth at SCAJ2023.

As a special collaboration project with PCRC 2023, CROWD ROASTER will be selling a special tasting box made with the beans selected in the competition finals!
PCRC 2023 was held in two categories: Traditional and Geisha .
This set is a comparison tasting set in which the winning roaster and a roaster from CROWD ROASTER roasted the beans from each of the final competitions.

The roaster is Shinya Kobayashi of Wakoya, a specialty coffee shop in Fukui, who was the winner of PCRC 2023 and won two categories this time.
From CROWD ROASTER , we asked Ishii Yasuo from LEAVES COFFEE ROASTERS and Suzuki Kiyokazu from GLITCH COFFEE&ROASTERS .

This special box contains the best of the best Panama coffee, roasted by two expert roasters, and can only be enjoyed here.

A new variety from a famous farm that appears for the first time in Japan

In this article, we will introduce in detail "Auromar Farm Lupao Natural," the finalist bean in the "Traditional Division" and used in this set's "Traditional Box."

"Lupao" was born on the farm that grows the world-famous "Auromar Geisha ."
Auromar Geisha , also well known in Japan, won the 2022 Best of Panama award with its "Firestone Geisha Washed," showcasing its unrivaled and unwavering quality to the world. Only fully ripe cherries selected by experienced professionals are harvested, and strict selection is carried out in each subsequent process. Auromar's commitment to the utmost care and effort results in an aroma and flavor worthy of Geisha "Superior Geisha ."
It was on this farm that "Lupao" was born, a completely new, original Panamanian variety that was born through natural crossbreeding.
Farm owner Roberto Brenes and his family discovered new potential for Panamanian coffee and have poured their utmost love into cultivating this "next generation coffee," which is finally making its debut on the world stage.

A hybrid with Geisha discovered by chance

Auromar was established in June 2009. In the second year, among the growing Geisha trees, two extremely short trees were found far away from each other, which did not resemble Geisha trees or any other known species.

By the third harvest season, these trees had produced several cherries, all of which were larger than the average Arabica cherries of their neighbors, and the cherries produced enough coffee for cupping and grading to create experimental plots of just that variety. By the fifth year after discovery, the yield per tree was already commercially viable.
Chromatographic analysis also revealed that it was 70% a hybrid containing Geisha seeds, with the remainder a combination of Catuai and traces of Bourbon .
The area planted was then increased, and in the 2023 harvest, about 200 kilograms of cherries were harvested.
Gradually, buyers began to take notice and small shipments began.

Following the Auromar family tradition of putting women first, the name "Lupao" is a combination of the names of the founder Roberto's two eldest granddaughters, Lucia and Paola.

For cupping fans, Lupao has the flavor and aroma of a muted, full-bodied Panamanian Geisha , with a strong aftertaste of a more traditional Arabica variety.

This truly precious Lupao has been roasted by PCRC winner Shinya Kobayashi and LEAVES COFFEE ROASTERS Ishii Yasuo , and a special set of the coffee is now available at CROWD ROASTER !
This is a special set that allows you to enjoy coffee making its first appearance in Japan, roasted by Champion and LEAVES Yasuo !
This is a very rare item, so don't miss this opportunity!
>> Go to the "Traditional Box" product page