El Salvador boasts a blessed cultivation environment [Introduction to coffee producing regions around the world]

The Republic of El Salvador is a small country located in central America. Slightly larger than Japan's Shikoku, it is the smallest country in Central America, bordering Guatemala and Honduras, and faces the Pacific Ocean to the south and west.

Cultivation environment suitable for coffee

Although El Salvador is a small country, it is blessed with a favorable environment suitable for growing coffee.

There are more than 20 volcanoes in El Salvador, and the soil, which contains a lot of volcanic ash, is rich in minerals.
Furthermore, most of the country is in highlands and has a high altitude, so there is a difference in temperature, and even though it is located right on the equator, the temperature does not rise much. The rainy season and dry season are clearly separated, and heavy amounts of rain fall during the rainy season from May to October.

This provides the perfect environment for growing high-quality coffee.

Coffee production status

Coffee cultivation in El Salvador is said to account for approximately 30% of the country's agricultural production, making it an important industry.
However, there are few large-scale farms, and most of them are small-scale farms with little mechanization.

The government supports coffee cultivation, and in El Salvador there is a national coffee research institute that manages the cultivation of Bourbon variety and improves varieties to improve quality, disease resistance, and production efficiency. I am.

El Salvador produces a lot of Bourbon variety, which is less cultivated in other countries because it is said to be susceptible to diseases and requires a lot of effort to grow. This is because replanting did not progress due to the civil war.

On the other hand, the Coffee Research Institute is active in quality improvement and is known for creating `` Pacamara ''. It is a cross between the ``Pacas'' variety, which Maragogype a mutation of Bourbon variety, and the `` Maragogype '' variety, which is strong and has large fruits, and hence the name `` Pacamara .''
It is a symbol of El Salvador's specialty coffee.

The main method of selecting coffee is washed.

The beginning of coffee cultivation and characteristics of the production area

Coffee cultivation is said to have begun in the 1840s, and the country entered the coffee industry in earnest during the 1870s, during what is known as the second coffee boom in Europe and America.

After a period of decline due to the civil war, coffee production slowly recovered with a focus on quality. It is now a major export product.

There are several main producing regions, but the most representative are Ahuachapan, Santa Ana, and Cabañas.

Ahuachapan is located in the western part of El Salvador and is a high altitude area. Coffee from this region is characterized by a tart yet balanced flavor, sometimes with floral and fruity overtones. It is known for its high quality coffee production.

Santa Ana is located in the central part of El Salvador and is also located in an area of ​​high altitude. Coffee from this region has a clean, clear flavor and usually has a rich, balanced acidity.

Cabañas is located in the eastern part of El Salvador. The region is diverse in altitude, and regions at different elevations produce different flavors of coffee.

These producing regions represent the diversity and high quality of El Salvador's coffee. Different climatic conditions and soil characteristics influence flavor in each growing region, and coffee producers strive to maximize the uniqueness of their region.

By the way, coffee is graded according to the altitude of the cultivation area: 1,200 m or above is SHG (Strictly High Grown), 900 to 1,200 m is HG (High Grown), and below 900 m is HG (High Grown). is CS (Central Standard).

El Salvador's coffee has not been well known in Japan until now.
It is attracting more attention than ever due to its high quality.

CROWD ROASTER also sells coffee from El Salvador.
Please enjoy this unique Costa Rican coffee.
