“KONO Meimon Dripper” is a dripper for experts that continues to be loved.

Since its release in 1973, the KONO Meimon Dripper has quickly spread among professional countermen at coffee shops and has been loved by many. Nowadays, it is widely used among coffee lovers.
The Hario V60, now a favorite of many baristas, was released in 2005. If you compare it with that, you can understand the long history of "KONO Famous Dripper".

In this article, we will take a look at the KONO prestigious dripper, which has a long history.

The creator of the coffee siphon

First of all, what kind of company is “KONO”?
The official name is "Coffee Siphon Co., Ltd." As the name suggests, it is also the company that created the "coffee siphon" that is now used everywhere.