“El Paraiso Farm Rose Tea”, which is very popular at the SCAJ venue, will be sold exclusively at EX!

Thank you to everyone who visited the SCAJ2023 CROWD ROASTER booth.

This year, with the theme of "Gathering of Artisans," we invited all the coffee professionals in the industry, including roasters, baristas, mechanics, importers, and producers, to perform various special shows, and the event was even more exciting than last year. It's been days.

The very popular El Paraiso Farm Rose Tea

At CROWD ROASTER booth, we also held tastings, and the one that was particularly popular was "[CSRT] Colombian El Paraiso Farm Double Anaerobic Rose Tea."

GLITCH COFFEE&ROASTERS Suzuki Kiyokazu also brewed and served coffee at our booth, and received positive comments from customers such as ``I've never had it before'' and ``It really tastes like black tea.''
The ever-popular [CSRT] will be sold in limited quantities at CROWD ROASTER EX.
The roaster is GLITCH COFFEE&ROASTERS Suzuki Kiyokazu .

This coffee is a must-try for both those who sampled it at the venue and want to enjoy the taste again, and those who were curious about not being able to drink it.
Please enjoy the taste that only Kiyokazu can create!

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Kiyokazu 's talk/extraction show can also be viewed on the YouTube archive.
We also ask for actual extraction recipes, so you can try them out at home.


"El Paraiso Farm" creates unique flavors

El Paraiso Farm is located in Cauca Department, located in the Andes Mountains in south-central Colombia. This region is known for consistently producing specialty coffee of high quality standards, and among these, El Paraiso Farm is highly rated.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is currently the most popular in Colombia.

El Paraiso Farm's coffee is carefully selected and dried to create a unique flavor that can only be enjoyed here, and is supported by roasters and coffee lovers around the world, making it so popular that it is difficult to obtain.
In 2018, he won 10th place in the Colombian COE (Cup of Excellence) with a carefully selected lot in double anaerobic fermentation, and he is so talented that he is called Colombia's leading anaerobic expert. I am the owner.
By changing the selection method, we are able to create flavors that can only be enjoyed from that lot, even if the same variety is used.
[Basic information about El Paraiso Farm]
Country of production: Colombia Region of production: Piendamo area, province of Cauca Variety: Castillo
Altitude: 1,700m
Producer: Diego Samuel Bermúdez
[CSRT] Rose tea Basic flavor: Strawberry, peach, rose
Lightly roasted, it has aromas of rose tea, rose jam, peach, and strawberry, with fruit and sweetness.
When roasted medium, the acidity subsides a little and the sweetness, like strawberry milk chocolate, increases. You can also enjoy the difference depending on the degree of roasting.

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If you like [CSRT], please try requesting a roast event from another roaster!
I think you'll be able to experience the difference in flavor that each roaster brings out.