To commemorate the addition of Yasunari Sawanoi ( ABOUT US COFFEE ), a new roaster who has joined CROWD ROASTER , we are selling the "SAWANOI COFFEE COLLECTION CHAMPION BOX."
This has been very well received, thank you very much.

For this set, we asked Sawanoi , a new roaster, to roast three different brands of coffee that are all different in terms of variety, selection, and country of origin, so that you can enjoy the roasting of these coffees.
This set allows you to enjoy the beauty of Sawanoi 's roasted Manabu to the fullest.

In this article, Usukura from CROWD ROASTER will introduce the recommended brewing recipes for each item in the "SAWANOI COFFEE COLLECTION CHAMPION BOX" so that you can fully enjoy it.

[CSLC] Colombia/El Paraiso Farm/ Castillo /Double Anaerobic Lychee

As its name suggests, CSLC is a brand that features a variety of fruit flavors, including lychee as its core flavor, as well as strawberry, peach, and other fruit flavors.
This is a drink that aims to have a light, tea-like drinking experience.
Beans: 30g
Extraction volume: 400ml
Pouring amount: 600ml
Extraction time: 1 minute 45 seconds Steaming: 40 seconds Grinding: Medium coarse grinding Water temperature: 90 degrees

There are two points.

① Extraction time is faster than other brands

Sawanoi 's [CSLC] is a cup that brings out the light, tea-like flavor.
We extract it with care to bring out its best qualities.

A shorter extraction time will result in a lighter, more flavorful coffee, whereas a longer extraction time will result in a stronger, more flavorful coffee.
This time, we want to extract Sawanoi 's CSLC to have a light flavor, so we will be conscious of completing the extraction time earlier than with other brands.

② Grind coarsely

For the same reason as ①, grinding coarsely is also an effective way to create a clear drinking experience.
Therefore, in order to achieve the clear drinking experience that is unique to CSLC, we recommend grinding it coarser than with other brands.

[ETH] Panama/Kotwa Farm/Ethiopia/Natural

[ETH] is dominated by berry flavors such as strawberry and cranberry, with a lingering chocolate-like sweetness, giving it a well-balanced, enjoyable impression.
Beans: 30g
Extraction volume: 400ml
Pouring amount: 600ml
Extraction time: 2 minutes Steaming: 1 minute Grinding: Medium grind Water temperature: 90 degrees

① Allow more time for steaming than other brands

Sawanoi 's [ETH] is a drink that you will want to enjoy for its perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.
This is a drink that is centered around the brand's signature berry flavors of strawberry and cranberry, with a lingering chocolate-like sweetness to create a well-balanced drink.
To achieve this, it is best to have a good balance of all flavors.
By allowing the tea to steep for a long time, the flavors are extracted slowly, making it easier to fully enjoy the flavor.

② Pour the second pour with thick water.

Because it takes a long time to steep, the coffee tends to have a strong flavor and a slightly heavy impression.
By pouring in thick water, we can speed up the extraction speed and adjust the concentration to create a well-balanced coffee.

[ SL28 ] Kenya/Kiamabala/ SL28 /Washt

When warm, SL28 has a sweetness reminiscent of brown sugar, and as it cools, you can experience the juicy flavors of plum and citrus.
This is a drink that brings out the rich sweetness that is typical of Kenya.
Beans: 30g
Extraction volume: 370ml
Pouring amount: 550ml
Extraction time: 2 minutes 15 seconds Steaming: 50 seconds Grinding: Medium grind Water temperature: 92 degrees

① Grind a little finer than other brands

This time, Sawanoi 's [ SL28 ] is a drink that we hope you enjoy, with its sweetness and flavor that is typical of Kenya.
A finer grind will allow for easier release of flavor.
Therefore, we recommend grinding a little finer and sipping it to better extract the flavor.

② Set the water temperature higher than other brands

By increasing the water temperature, it becomes easier to extract the flavor.
To bring out the full sweetness of [ SL28 ], we recommend extracting it with hotter water.

What did you think?
The recipes introduced this time are different for each brand, but I think it would be interesting to brew all three brands using the same extraction method and compare the tastes. It would also be interesting to brew one brand using different extraction methods and enjoy the differences in the extraction.

Please try out the various extraction methods and enjoy the coffee roasted by Sawanoi to your heart's content!