How to brew iced coffee [quick cooling method]

Recently, there have been many days with high temperatures, and the season where you can enjoy delicious iced coffee may be just around the corner.
Therefore, in this article, we will tell you how to brew iced coffee using the "quick cooling method."

Two ways to make iced coffee

There are two main ways to brew iced coffee.
They are the "quick cooling type" and the "cold brewing type".

The ``quenching method'' is a method of rapidly cooling coffee extracted with hot water using ice. Its characteristics are its rich taste and gorgeous aroma. By rapidly cooling the coffee, it is possible to retain the taste and aroma of the extracted coffee.

In the case of a quick-cooling type, the taste of the coffee changes easily, so it is recommended to drink it as soon as possible, or at the latest within the same day.

As I introduced in a previous article , the "cold brew method" is a brewing method that slowly extracts coffee using water.
Soak a coffee bag with ground coffee in water, place it in the refrigerator, and let it brew for 8 to 12 hours.

Compared to hot water, the cold-brew method is characterized by a soft texture and a gentle, refreshing taste due to the slow brewing process.

The taste does not change easily over time, so if you close the lid tightly and store it in the refrigerator, it will stay delicious for about 2 days.

How to make quick-cooled iced coffee

Now, let's take a look at how to make quick-cooled iced coffee.
This is a recipe for hand drip extraction.

The key is to use more beans than when brewing hot coffee, as ice dilutes the flavor.

How to make (for 2 people)

・Coffee beans (medium ground): 40g
・Extraction amount: 250ml
・Water temperature: 90 degrees ・Extraction time: 2 minutes

① Grind the coffee and set it in the filter ② Put plenty of ice in the server
  *A large server is recommended. 3. Pour hot water into the coffee and let it steep for 45 seconds to 1 minute. 4. After steaming, pour in the second pour. 5. Stop pouring when the current extraction amount reaches 250ml. 6. Stir thoroughly. and melt the ice ⑦ As the ice melts, the finished product will be about 360ml.
You can easily make iced coffee by simply using ice for your regular hand drip brew.
You can easily make delicious iced coffee by simply controlling the amount of coffee beans used and the amount extracted.
Please try it at home.
