If you want a cup, this is it! “Personal filter” extraction recipe

CROWD ROASTER EX has started selling not only coffee beans but also powder.
For the roasted beans sold in the CROWD ROASTER app SHOP, you can choose between beans or ground powder.
Even if you don't have a grinder at home, please try CROWD ROASTER 's coffee.

We recommend purchasing CROWD ROASTER personal filter [COMPETITION GRADE] along with the powder products.

In this article, we will introduce how to use the personal filter!

Easy and authentic!

The personal filter for CROWD ROASTER is an innovative item that allows you to easily brew coffee anywhere by simply adding ground coffee and pouring hot water.

We created it in a large size that allows you to add up to 20g of flour depending on your taste preference, but this large capacity size is rare.
Due to its large size, you can easily control the amount of powder from clean to firm.
The inside of the filter uses edible ink derived from squid ink, and the approximate amount of powder is written in ink so that you can easily adjust the taste.

Through trial and error with the manufacturer, we carefully selected the paper material used for the filter to maximize the aroma and flavor of each brand.
Just add powder anywhere, pour hot water and extract!
You can enjoy delicious coffee not only at home or in the office, but also outdoors, such as at a campsite.

The trick is to turn the brew while steaming.

Now let's take a look at how to actually use the filter.

Bean amount: 15g
Extraction time: Approximately 1 minute 30 seconds Pouring amount: 200-250ml

① Prepare 15g of ground flour and 200-250ml of hot water.
② Set the powder in the filter.
③ Hold the cup and pour in the hot water while turning it to steam it evenly. (40 seconds)
④ Pour hot water until it reaches one cup (approximately 200ml this time).
⑤Remove the filter from the cup.
The most important point is the "steaming" process.
Steaming it evenly here brings out the flavor of the brand to its fullest.

In order to steam the cup evenly and neatly, we recommend that you apply hot water to it while carrying the cup around.

It may be a little difficult at first, but I think you'll get used to it soon.

We hope that you will purchase our powdered products and personal filters together and enjoy the taste that can only be produced with personal filters!
