Dripper showdown “Hario V60” VS “Kalita Wave”

I've introduced various drippers so far, but I think there are many people who wonder if the taste really differs depending on the device.

Therefore, in this project, we would like to compare the differences between each dripper.
In the first part, we will compare "Hario V60" and "Kalita Wave".

Differences in each structure

First, let's take a look at the differences in the structure of each dripper.


The Hario V60 has a "conical" shape, while the Kalita Wave has a "trapezoidal" shape.
Left: Hario V60 Right: Kalita Wave
In the case of Hario V60, the conical shape allows the extracted coffee to flow smoothly without collecting at the bottom, making it easier to extract with a refreshing taste.

On the other hand, in the case of Kalita Wave, the bottom is flat, so the extracted coffee tends to accumulate at the bottom, resulting in a stronger flavor.

Hole size and number

The Hario V60 has "one large hole" and the Kalita Wave has "three small holes".
Left: Hario V60 Right: Kalita Wave
With the Hario V60, which has a large hole, you can change the speed at which the extracted coffee falls into the server by changing the thickness of the hot water you pour. Hosoyu (hot water) drips more slowly, making it easier to get a strong flavor. On the other hand, thicker hot water tends to have a refreshing taste because it dissolves quickly.
In this way, with the Hario V60, you can control the flavor by adjusting the thickness of the hot water you pour.

In the case of Kalita Wave, there are three small holes, but no matter how thick the hot water is, the coffee will fall into the server due to the thickness of the holes, so it is difficult to change the taste, but it is stable. It will make your extraction come true.

I actually extracted it

Now let's actually extract it.
Both coffee beans are of the same brand, the same grind size, the same water temperature, and are extracted under the same conditions as possible.
[Extraction ratio]
・Beans amount: 30g
・Extraction amount: 450ml
・Water temperature: 89 degrees ・Steaming: 45 seconds
Left: Hario V60 Right: Kalita Wave
Hario V60 extraction time is "1 minute 45 seconds"
The extraction time of Kalita Wave was "2 minutes and 30 seconds".
We tried to keep the thickness of the hot water and the amount of water poured as consistent as possible, but the extraction time with Kalita Wave was longer.

When I compared the liquid color, the Hario V60 (on the left) seems to be slightly lighter.
Left: Hario V60 Right: Kalita Wave
When I actually drank the brewed coffee, Kalita Wave had a more voluminous taste than Hario V60, probably due to the longer extraction time.
Hario V60 had a rich aroma and a refreshing taste, probably because it was extracted smoothly, but I felt that the aftertaste was a little lacking.
It seems to go well with washed brands and when you want to enjoy a refreshing flavor.
On the other hand, Kalita Wave is brewed slowly, resulting in a coffee with a hearty flavor and a mellow impression.
You may want to try using natural brands or when you want to emphasize rich sweetness.

What did you think?
This time, we did not compare the most suitable extraction method for each device, but rather examined what differences would occur when brewing using the same method.
By using different drippers depending on the characteristics of the brand and your mood that day, you can experience a different way to enjoy coffee than ever before.

If you have any equipment you would like to compare, or anything you would like us to verify, please contact the editorial office.

We will continue to conduct various verifications related to coffee!

Hiroto Usukura