A combination of aroma and freshness! Recommended brands for cold brew coffee [SJBA edition]

hello everyone.
This is Usukura from CROWD ROASTER .

It's been hot every day lately, so I'm getting through with iced coffee.
Some people may have the impression that making iced coffee at home requires a little time and effort, as it requires preparing ice.
However, there is an easy way to make iced coffee.
That is "cold brew coffee".
Anyone can easily make iced coffee as no special tools or techniques are required.

In a previous article , I explained how to make basic cold brew coffee, so in this article I would like to introduce recommended brands of cold brew coffee.

Clean cup with aroma

The brand we recommend this time is "[SJBA] Brazil/San John Grande Farm/ Bourbon /Anaerobic".
By making cold brew coffee from this brand, you can enjoy the fruit-like sweetness and refreshingness of this brand, while still retaining the aroma typical of classic coffee.
・Coffee: 50g
・Water: 450cc
・Grind: Medium-fine grind ・Soaking time: 8 hours

There are 3 points.

This time's [SJBA] is a flavor that aims to bring out the aroma typical of Brazil, as well as the sweetness and freshness of the fruit that comes from the brand.

In order to do that, it is necessary to get rid of the flavor that [SJBA] has, but cold brew coffee tends to have a lighter flavor than regular drip coffee.

Therefore, we will do three things to bring out the flavor.

① Make the grind finer ② Use a little less water ③ Allow longer soaking time

By following these points, you will be able to get a richer flavor than usual, and I think you will be able to fully appreciate the goodness of this brand.

[SJBA] is a brand that gives you a fresher flavor if you roast it lightly, and you can enjoy the richness and body if you roast it darkly, so I think it would be interesting to try different roasting levels.
We will continue to provide various information such as extraction methods for each brand and recommended equipment.
looking forward to!

Hiroto Usukura