[SCAJ 2023] Looking back at the CROWD ROASTER booth on the final day! [Archive distribution available]

“SCAJ 2023” is an annual specialty coffee festival held for three days starting September 27, 2023.
CROWD ROASTER also had a booth!
Throughout the three days, the CROWD ROASTER booth hosted a variety of events including guest events, tastings, and special set sales.
On this special page where you can learn everything about the CROWD ROASTER booth, you can also view archives of all booth events!
If you missed any events, be sure to check them out here!

[Final day] CROWD ROASTER review on September 29th

At this year's CROWD ROASTER booth, all kinds of professionals from the coffee industry, including roasters, baristas, mechanics, importers, and producers, gathered together to hold a variety of events and shows. We have delivered special content that can only be seen and heard here.

Now let's look back at the CROWD ROASTER booth on September 29th, the third day.

Let's talk about the charm of Giessen roasting machines!

A talk session titled "World standard! Let's talk about the charm of Giessen roasting machines."
Yasunari Sawanoi from ABOUT US COFFEE , Yusuke Fukuzawa from GIESEN JAPAN, and Thomas from Giessen's home country of the Netherlands joined us at short notice!
Sawanoi , an up-and-coming roaster from Kyoto, talked about roasting using Giessen machines, and talked about the characteristics of Giessen roasting machines from the manufacturer's perspective, all filled with love for Giessen.
In the second half, Mr. Sawanoi brewed CROWD ROASTER coffee roasted in Giessen.
If you want to know more about Giessen, please check out the archive distribution!
"World standard! Let's talk about the charm of Giessen roasting machines" Archive distribution is available here

WOODBERRY COFFEE Musashi 's radio talk

We welcomed Mr. Kihara Musashi from WOODBERRY COFFEE to the RADIO booth.
Mr. Musashi said that he likes radio. It seems that people liked the special RADIO studio at the CROWD ROASTER booth.
We were able to hear a variety of stories about WOODBERRY COFFEE 's efforts towards the region and production areas, Musashi 's vision for a coffee shop, and even Musashi 's hobbies.
Please also listen to this from the archive distribution.
Musashi 's RADIO archive distribution is here

The secret behind Hiroyasu 's store in a local city

The next person we welcomed to RADIO was Fujiyama Hiroyasu from Fujiyama Coffee Roasters in Yanai City, Yamaguchi.
We heard some interesting stories about the store in Yanai City, including how they didn't display much information about the beans at first.
We also asked Mr. Hiroyasu about his roasting and other things that you don't often hear about.
If you missed this one, please check out the archived version.
Hiroyasu 's RADIO archive distribution is here

JBC Champion Ishitani x LEAVES Yasuo 's hand drip

We finally welcomed barista Takayuki Ishii, who won his third championship at the JBC (Japan Barista Championship) the day before, and LEAVES COFFEE ROASTERS Ishii Yasuo CROWD ROASTER booth!
We spoke with Mr. Ishitani, who also serves as a CROWD ROASTER advisor, and Mr. Yasuo , who has been participating since the beginning, on the theme of "challenging the world." They also talked about how to enjoy CROWD ROASTER .
And in the second half, Mr. Ishitani and Mr. Yasuo hand-drip coffee from CROWD ROASTER roasted by Mr. Yasuo !
Mr. Ishitani drip-fried Esmeralda Geisha washed by Mr. Yasuo .
Mr. Ishitani says that he hardly ever shows off his hand drip at such occasions these days.
It was a very valuable opportunity. Mr. Ishitani gave me the recipe and extracted it, so if you are interested in Ishitani's hand drip, please check out the archived distribution.
Next, Yasuo brewed Kenya Tim Factory, which he roasted himself.
Mr. Ishitani also confirmed that Yasuo 's coffee is delicious, and Mr. Yasuo 's roasting brought out the potential even more.
Finally, everyone congratulated Mr. Ishitani and the event ended.
Of course, there is also an archive distribution, so please take a look!
Ishitani-san and Yasuo -san's archive distribution is available here.
So far, we have looked back at the third day at the CROWD ROASTER booth.
All events are archived, so be sure to check them out!