お湯を注ぐだけで簡単にコーヒーを楽しんでいただけますが、淹れ方を少し工夫すれば、さらにおいしく淹れることができますので、動画で淹れ方を公開します! *An English translation is provided below.
1. ドリップバッグを開封して、カップに掛けます
2. ドリップバッグを揺らして、中の粉を出来るだけ平らにします
3. 沸騰したてのお湯をポットに移します(95-97度くらいになる)
4. ゆっくり粉全体に、20mlほどのお湯をかけます。
5. 10秒から15秒かけて、蒸らします(より長く30秒から1分ほどでもお好みに応じて)
6. 中央から勢いよく、一度に出来るだけ多くのお湯を注ぎます
7. ドリップバッグからお湯が抜けていったら、その分お湯を注いでバッグの上端までお湯が入るようにします
8. 170ccになったら、お湯を注ぐのを終えます
9. ドリップバッグの両端を持ち上げて、中にあるお湯を抽出します
10. 中に少しお湯が残っている状態で、ドリップバッグを取り出して終了です
Basic Brewing Guide
1. Open the drip bag and hang it securely over your cup.
2. Gently shake the bag to level out the coffee grounds inside.
3. Boil water and then transfer it to a pour-over kettle (the temperature should be around 95–97°C / 203–207°F).
4. Slowly pour about 20ml of hot water evenly over the coffee grounds to wet them completely.
5. Let it bloom for 10 to 15 seconds (or even longer—30 seconds to 1 minute—if you prefer a richer flavor).
6. After blooming, pour hot water steadily from the center, adding as much water as you can in one go.
7. As the water drips through, continue pouring to keep the water level near the top edge of the drip bag.
8. Stop pouring once you’ve reached a total of 170ml of brewed coffee.
9. Lift both sides of the drip bag gently to allow any remaining coffee to drain out.
10. When there’s just a little water left inside the bag, remove it from the cup. Done!
If you prefer a stronger flavor, aim for 150ml. If you like it lighter, try adjusting to anywhere between 170ml and 200ml.
By following these steps along with the video, you’ll be able to brew a cup of coffee that’s smooth, flavorful, and satisfying!
2. Gently shake the bag to level out the coffee grounds inside.
3. Boil water and then transfer it to a pour-over kettle (the temperature should be around 95–97°C / 203–207°F).
4. Slowly pour about 20ml of hot water evenly over the coffee grounds to wet them completely.
5. Let it bloom for 10 to 15 seconds (or even longer—30 seconds to 1 minute—if you prefer a richer flavor).
6. After blooming, pour hot water steadily from the center, adding as much water as you can in one go.
7. As the water drips through, continue pouring to keep the water level near the top edge of the drip bag.
8. Stop pouring once you’ve reached a total of 170ml of brewed coffee.
9. Lift both sides of the drip bag gently to allow any remaining coffee to drain out.
10. When there’s just a little water left inside the bag, remove it from the cup. Done!
If you prefer a stronger flavor, aim for 150ml. If you like it lighter, try adjusting to anywhere between 170ml and 200ml.
By following these steps along with the video, you’ll be able to brew a cup of coffee that’s smooth, flavorful, and satisfying!
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