What is Cinnamon, City, and French Roast? coffee roast degree

The important roasting process that determines the taste of coffee

Coffee beans are the seeds of coffee berries. Raw beans are light green in color and have no coffee-like taste or aroma. Only by applying heat and roasting them can they become drinkable coffee with color, aroma, and taste.

In other words, "roasting" is a very important process that Koike the taste and flavor of coffee, and we believe that more focus should be placed on the techniques and ways of thinking of roasters who are responsible for roasting. (That's why the service CROWD ROASTER focuses on roasting).

Among such roasting, the theme this time is "roast degree".
The flavor of coffee is created when the components in the beans undergo chemical changes when heated. Depending on the heating time and how the heat is applied, the way the components that cause bitterness and sourness are extracted differs, and the taste of coffee changes.

For this reason, it is very important to know how the coffee was roasted.
"Degree of roasting" is one such indicator.
However, there is no common standard for roasting level, so it should be considered as a guideline.

Roasting degree and aroma and taste are closely related.

Roast degree is an indicator of how much heat is added to coffee beans, and is generally proportional to roasting time.
If the amount of heat is low, the degree of roasting will be shallow, and if the amount of heat is high, the degree of roasting will be deep.
If the degree of roasting is low, the coffee beans will be light in color, and if the degree is roasted, the color will be darker and the oil will ooze out.

If you've seen beans with different roasting degrees, you'll probably be able to easily imagine this.

The taste changes depending on the degree of roasting; the lighter the degree of roasting, the more sourness and less bitterness; the deeper the degree of roasting, the more bitterness and less sourness.

Characteristics of light roasting

It has a strong acidity and a fruity taste. The aroma of the beans is expressed in a wide range of ways. Light on the palate and body.

Characteristics of deep roasting

The bitterness becomes stronger, and the aroma becomes stronger, such as the aroma derived from roasting. The taste is rich and has a good body.

8 levels of roasting level

The degree of roasting can be roughly divided into light roast, medium roast, (medium-dark roast), and dark roast.

In Japan, eight stages are often used as a more detailed classification.

There are eight levels, starting with light roast: light roast, cinnamon roast, medium roast, high roast, city roast, full city roast, French roast, and Italian roast .

CROWD ROASTER also displays the degree of roasting in these 8 stages.
This is so that roasters can express more detailed nuances.
Of course, this judgment of roast level is made by each roaster, so even if the roast level is the same, the roast level may differ depending on the roaster.

By the way, this eight-level division is said to be based on the one used in America in the old days, and there are also names that indicate the preferences of each country (France, Italy), and "City" is used in New York City. It is said to be the preferred roast level.

Although this is just a guide, we will briefly explain the details of the 8 levels of roasting, from Light Roast (the lightest roast) to Italian Roast (the darkest roast), along with the icons used in CROWD ROASTER to indicate the degree of roasting. Masu.

As mentioned earlier, there is no clear standard for the color of coffee beans, so I will describe the relationship between 1 and 2 beans in the advanced stages of roasting. 1 After the water in the beans has evaporated, the beans expand due to carbon dioxide gas, and you can hear a crackling sound. 2 As the beans continue to roast, the color becomes darker and more oil comes out, and you can hear a high-pitched crackling sound. It will be a goby.
(Details on the roasting process will be explained in another article)
1. Light roast
The lightest roast is around 1 haze. The beans should be slightly colored.

2. Cinnamon roast
Lightly roasted, slightly more roasted than light. The name comes from the state in which the beans turn cinnamon-colored.

3. Medium roast
From this point on, it will become medium roasted. 1 haze is over and just before 2 haze. Also called American roast.

4. High Roast

2 During or around the time of goby. It is a slightly more advanced medium roast, and is sometimes referred to as a medium-dark roast.

5. City Roast

From here on, it's dark roasted. 2 The gobies have finished and the color has become quite dark. The name City comes from New York City.

6. Full City Roast

2 Gobies have converged and roasting has progressed further. The surface is Hikaru with oil due to oil content.

7. French roast

A lot of oil will seep out on the surface of the beans.

8. Italian roast

More oil will come to the surface. It becomes a charcoal-like color.

So far, we have introduced 8 levels of roasting level, although this is just a guideline.

In reality, the progress of chemical reactions varies depending on the temperature, condition of the beans, and time during roasting. Also, the judgment of each roaster is different.
I think this alone will help you understand how deep the world of roasting is.
In the future, we will dig deeper into this world with the cooperation of roasters, so please look forward to it.
