Takuya Miura ( FUKUSUKE COFFEE ROASTERY ) participation commemoration! Miura Fukukitaru 1CCC Champion BOX now on sale!

Roaster Takuya Miura ( FUKUSUKE COFFEE ROASTERY ) has joined CROWD ROASTER as a new member!
We'd like to introduce you to Miura , who honed her roasting skills at Rokumei Coffee.

Winner of the roasting competition "1st crack coffee challenge"

FUKUSUKE COFFEE ROASTERY is a coffee shop opened in Anjo, Aichi by Takuya Miura , who was crowned the first champion of the 1st Crack Coffee Challenge, a roasting competition for young coffee roasters that was first organized by Giessen Japan.

After discovering specialty coffee, Takuya Miura decided to become a roaster himself. After studying to Manabu a barista in Canada and working at Rokumei Coffee Co. in Nara, he opened a roastery in his hometown of Anjo, Aichi Prefecture.
He is a talented roaster who was crowned the first champion at the 1st Crack Coffee Challenge, the first roasting competition hosted by Giessen Japan in 2022.

In addition to producing high-quality specialty coffee, one of Miura 's goals is to contribute to the growing coffee industry in regions such as Uganda and Myanmar, where quality improvement efforts are underway.

We create a special cup of coffee to liven up the local community through coffee, and we base our store on the traditional crafts of our local city of Anjo, in order to bring good fortune to everyone involved with coffee, from our customers and their families to the coffee bean producers.

Aiming to create a world-class "Japanese Roast"

The roaster that Miura uses is the "DIEDRICH IR-2.5".
This is a roaster that I inherited from Yasunari Sawanoi of ABOUT US COFFEE in Kyoto, with whom I studied roasting, and it is one that I have a lot of attachment to.
The semi-hot air, single drum, and infrared burner heating system is said to make it easy to make clear coffee.

The type of roast that Miura aims for is a coffee that is sweet, smooth, and brings out the full flavor characteristics.
By applying the right amount of heat to the beans, inhibitors are removed and the sweetness, smoothness and flavour characteristics naturally emerge.

He visited a roastery in the Netherlands as part of the prize for winning the "1st Crack Coffee Challenge," and was inspired by the high level of quality and almost frustratingly clean coffee. He continues to research every day with the aim of creating a "Japanese Roast" that can be used on the world stage.

Special tasting set to celebrate participation now on sale!

To commemorate the participation of roaster Takuya Miura (FUKUSUKE COFFEE), we will be selling a limited number of "Miura Fukukitaru 1CCC Champion BOX" tasting sets (50g x 3 brands)!

This is the first ever tasting set from CROWD ROASTER , packed with Miura 's attention to detail.

This time, we carefully considered the compatibility between Miura and the brands and selected three unique brands.
The three brands that were selected are: "CSRT Colombia/El Paraiso Farm/ Castillo /Double Anaerobic Rose Tea", "GJE Ethiopia/Guji/Ethiopia/Natural", and "KKW Kenya/Tim Factory/ SL28 /Washed".
We have prepared a tasting set that features different varieties, selections, and countries of origin.

This set has been named "Miura Fukukitaru 1CCC Champion BOX" to reflect Miura 's desire to spread "good fortune" through roasting.
As the name suggests, experience a blissful moment with a flavor that only Miura could create.

As its name suggests, CSRT is characterized by its rosehip-like flavor as well as a variety of other fruit flavors such as strawberry and peach.
[GJE] is truly strawberry! It has a lingering sweetness like milk chocolate, and is well-balanced and enjoyable.
[KKW] has a juicy flavor of blackberry and citrus at its core, and also has a gentle sweetness reminiscent of wasanbon, so you can enjoy it all the way to the end without getting bored.
All of the brands are smooth to the touch and have a distinct flavor profile.
We hope you will purchase this special package, which is available in limited quantities, and enjoy the flavors that will bring you the "happiness" that Miura is aiming for.

【Description of item】
■Miura Fukukitaru 1CCC Champion BOX
・Sales price: 2,480 yen (tax included)
・Contents: 50g x 3 bags, total 150g (roasted beans)
*This is not a regular roast event item, but an item that can be purchased immediately.