[SCAJ 2023] Introducing the highlights of CROWD ROASTER booth on the 29th!

SCAJ2023 is an annual specialty coffee festival held from September 27th.
CROWD ROASTER will also be exhibiting a booth!
Thank you to everyone who came to see us on the first and second day.
If you are planning to visit SCAJ on the final day, please check out the special page that will tell you everything about CROWD ROASTER booth by clicking on the link below.
Throughout the exhibition period, we will be holding a variety of events, including events inviting roasters and other guests, tastings, and special set sales.
The booth event will also be streamed online, so you can view the details here.
At this year's CROWD ROASTER booth, all kinds of professionals in the coffee industry, including roasters, baristas, mechanics, importers, and producers, will gather to hold a variety of events and shows.

We will deliver special content that can only be seen and heard here.

We would like to introduce the highlights of the final day, September 29th (Friday).

CROWD ROASTER booth schedule for September 29th

ABOUT US COFFEE Yasunari Sawanoi
GIESEN JAPAN Yusuke Fukuzawa
FUJIYAMA Coffee Roasters Fujiyama Hiroyasu
LEAVES COFFEE ROASTERS Ishii Yasuo Takayuki Ishiya Barista
*Items are subject to change.
On the 28th, we will deliver it with these gorgeous members!
From here, we will introduce details of each event.

Roaster ✖️ Giessen Japan roasting machine talk [10:30-11:30]

From 10:30, ABOUT US COFFEE Yasunari Sawanoi and Yusuke Fukuzawa of GIESEN JAPAN will come and talk about the charm of Giessen roasting machines under the title "World standard! Let's talk about the charm of Giessen roasting machines." I'd like to hear from you.
Giessen Japan and roaster Sawanoi will talk about this roaster from different perspectives.

What kind of coffee shop is Woodberry Musashi aiming for? 【12:00-12:30】

Next, from 12pm, we will welcome WOODBERRY COFFEE Kihara Musashi to give a talk on the theme of ``What coffee shops can and cannot do.''
WOODBERRY Musashi runs five stores in Tokyo, each with its own personality. Coffee shops are practicing what they can do for the industry and society, such as sustainability and giving back to the place of production. I would like to ask about that activity.

The true feelings of a local specialty coffee shop [12:30-13:00]

From 12:30, we will welcome Mr. FUJIYAMA COFFEE ROASTERS Fujiyama Hiroyasu and give a talk titled ``The world of specialty coffee that is changing the region.''
Hiroyasu sells high-quality specialty coffee in Yanai City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. We will ask about the secret of stable roasting and about coffee shops in local cities.

LEAVES Yasuo × Japan Champion Takayuki Ishitani Barista Conversation & Extract Event! 【13:00-14:00】

From 1pm, we will welcome Ishii Yasuo from LEAVES COFFEE ROASTERS and barista champion Takayuki Ishii.
We will welcome Mr. Ishitani, who won the JBC the previous day, to our booth, so we might even hear about the Barista Championship!
The talk theme was "Japanese coffee that takes on the world . "
Yasuo , a roaster whose name is known around the world, and Mr. Ishitani, who continues to challenge the world as a barista, will talk about Japanese coffee in the world. There will also be tastings of Yasuo -san roasted and Ishitani-san extracted!
There will be plenty of events at CROWD ROASTER booth on the third day as well.
In addition, the coffee tasting set prepared for SCAJ2023 by the participating roasters is always on sale!

Please come to the CROWD ROASTER booth at SCAJ2023!

We are looking forward to your visit!