Recommended recipes for CROWD ROASTER Usukura 's "Miura Fukukitaru 1CCC Champion BOX"!

FUKUSUKE COFFEE ROASTERY Takuya Miura , who joined CROWD ROASTER as a new roaster, offers a drinking comparison set, ``Miura Fukukital 1CCC Champion BOX.''
Thank you very much for your positive feedback.
This is the first CROWD ROASTER drinking comparison set that is filled with Miura 's passion.

This time, we carefully considered the compatibility of brands with Miura and selected three brands with rich individuality.
The three brands selected were [CSRT] Colombian El Paraiso Farm Castillo Double Anaerobic Rose Tea, [GJE] Ethiopian Guji Natural, and [KKW] Kenyan Tim Factory SL28 Washed.

We have prepared a comparison set of drinks with different varieties, selections, and countries of origin.
In today's article, we will tell you about CROWD ROASTER Usukura extraction recipe!

[CSRT] Colombia/El Paraiso Farm/ Castillo /Double Anaerobic Rose Tea

[CSRT], as its name suggests, has a variety of fruit flavors, including rosehip, strawberry, and peach.
Beans: 30g
Extraction amount: 400ml
Pouring amount: 600ml
Extraction time: 1 minute 45 seconds Steaming: 40 seconds Grind: Medium coarse Water temperature: 92 degrees

There are two points.
① [CSRT], which has a faster extraction time than other brands, is characterized by a tea-like and light impression.
We consciously extract it to bring out its goodness.
Shortening the extraction time will result in a lighter and more pleasant cup of coffee.
Because we want to extract the light taste that is the advantage of [CSRT], we recommend that you extract it faster than other brands.
② Grind coarsely In order to create the clear drinking experience that is unique to [CSRT], we recommend grinding more coarsely than other roasts.

[GJE] Ethiopia/Guji/Natural

[GJE] is exactly strawberry! The aftertaste has a milk chocolate-like sweetness, giving the impression that it is well-balanced and enjoyable.
Beans: 30g
Extraction amount: 400ml
Pouring amount: 600ml
Extraction time: 2 minutes Steaming: 1 minute Grind: medium-sized Water temperature: 90 degrees

There are two points.
① [GJE] takes more time to steam than other brands, making it a drink you'll want to enjoy with its well-balanced sweetness and sourness.
This is a cup that you want to balance while bringing out the fruity taste of the brand and the chocolate-like richness.
To achieve this, it is ideal to have a good balance of all flavors.
By allowing a longer steaming time, the flavor will be extracted slowly and it will be easier to get the full flavor.
② Pour with thick water <br />The longer the steaming time, the more likely the flavor will be strong and the coffee will tend to be a little heavy.
Therefore, by pouring thick hot water, we can adjust the concentration and aim for a well-balanced coffee.

[KKW] Kenya/Tim Factory/ SL28 /Washed

[KKW] has juicy flavors such as blackberry and citrus, and you can also enjoy the gentle sweetness of Wasanbon, so you can enjoy it until the end without feeling exhausted.
Beans: 30g
Extraction amount: 370ml
Pouring amount: 550ml
Extraction time: 2 minutes 15 seconds Steaming: 50 seconds Grinding: Medium water temperature: 92 degrees

There are two points.
① You can enjoy a variety of flavors with [KKW], which is ground a little finer than other brands .
In order to bring out its goodness, we recommend grinding it a little finer to make it easier to sip and extract the full flavor.
② Take your time with thin hot water <br />In order to create a cup with a complex impression, we recommend pouring slowly with thin hot water.
Pouring slowly makes it easier to extract the various flavors.

What did you think?
The recipe I introduced this time is different for each brand, but I think it would be interesting to brew all three brands using the same extraction method and compare them. I think it's fun to enjoy the different ways of brewing.

Please try out various extraction methods and enjoy Miura 's coffee to the fullest!