CROWD ROASTER brand introduction (5) El Salvador El Carmen Farm Geisha

There may be some people who would like to participate in a roast event but find it difficult to do so because they do not know the characteristics of the brands.

This project will introduce the CROWD ROASTER brand to such people.
This time we will be introducing "El Salvador El Carmen Farm Geisha Anaerobic Natural".

Rare El Salvadoran Geisha imported by CROWD ROASTER

El Carmen Farm is owned by the Alfaro family, which has a long history of producing and processing coffee in El Salvador. They opened a farm in the mid-19th century and today it is managed by the fourth generation, Fernando Alfaro.
The farm, located in the Apaneca-Ilamatepec Mountains, is part of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, which protects the ecosystems of Central America, and is located in the heart of an extremely rich forest. This forest is rich in nature and is a sanctuary for hundreds of migratory and endemic birds.

The family's mission has been to improve the three qualities of coffee. These are the quality of the cup, the quality of the environment, and the quality of life for the working community. We know that by keeping the environment surrounding coffee in a good condition, we can ensure the quality of our coffee.
On the farm, approximately 60% of the coffee is grown under shade cover. This protects the coffee cherries from the harsh Hikaru and allows them to ripen slowly and evenly. By harvesting only the ripe cherries, sorting them, and placing them in thin layers on an elevated drying bed, we produce high-quality natural, honey-processed coffee. Varieties grown on this farm include Bourbon , Caturra , Pacamara and Geisha .

Basic information about El Carmen Farm

Country of production: El Salvador Region of production: Ataco, Ahuachapán Variety: Geisha
Altitude: 1,250-1,400m
Producer: Fernando Alfaro

Impressive like red wine [GSA] Geisha Anaerobic

This time, CROWD ROASTER will introduce a rare coffee called Geisha and Anaerobic Natural from El Carmen Farm. This is a creamy, well-balanced, full-bodied coffee with a citrus flavor and sweetness like candied oranges, as well as richness like cacao and chocolate.
This brand of beans can only be enjoyed at CROWD ROASTER , and several participating roasters roast these beans.
We would like to introduce comments from the user review " Takeru Drink Comparison Review " that compared the drinks of this brand.
Even though the coffee was roasted to the same level of cinnamon roast, the taste was very different.

The coffee roasted by Iwasaki is light and light, yet you can enjoy a complex aroma centered around the aroma of distilled spirits.
Mr. Nakamura roasts coffee with a gentle tone, a thick and smooth mouthfeel, and a complex flavor that changes around the aroma of cacao and red wine.
What they have in common is that they have an alcohol-like aroma and complex flavor, and a long after-flavor.

I think it is a feature of CROWD ROASTER that you can enjoy these differences.
Green beans from the same farm and lot are transported and stored in the same way, and different roasters finish them into the flavor they want to express.
This means that you can learn more about the potential of that superior quality raw coffee.
Even though the cinnamon roast is the same, roaster Yuya Iwasaki and roaster Yoshiyuki Nakamura have commented that the taste is quite different.
Both have the same complexity and long aftereffects.
Comparing drinks of this brand is only possible at CROWD ROASTER .
Please try.
CROWD ROASTER EX also sells roasted beans that you can buy right now.
Please look for this brand as well.
