What is Costa Rican Honey Process? [Coffee Fanatic Hitomi 's Deep Coffee World No. 15]

Hello! ! Coffee Fanatic Hitomi ! !

In the production processing section, we have moved into the pulped natural section, and this time we would like to introduce a variation of pulped natural that was developed in Costa Rica: the "honey process."

A delicious color♡

To be honest, I'm not sure why this production process was developed in Costa Rica, but I think one of the factors is that this country has a high awareness of the natural environment.

All coffee producing countries in Central America produce "washed" Arabica coffee, which can be categorized as "other mild", but as explained in the Washed part, the wash process, which involves washing and fermentation, has a very high environmental impact. I am. And if you think about it, the hurdles to introducing it are quite high.
Ryo Mikami

Ryo Mikami

After graduating from Manabu , he worked at Starbucks for some reason, which led him to discover the potential of coffee. After many twists and turns, he joined a specialty coffee trading company. He was enlightened to the way of the fanatic, and is now involved in a wide range of work from commodities to specialties, including market analysis, visiting coffee producing areas, judging competitions, coaching competitions, extraction, roasting, and equipment proposals. He is also an advisor for CROWD ROASTER .